Enter Gimo Jr. and the Aswang Clan, a middle-grade novel for young readers exploring the rich tapestry of Philippine folklore and myth through intriguing and petrifying legends. Authored by Andrew Jalbuena Pasaporte, it has received glowing reviews from young readers. The book's first printing had also sold out during recent book fairs around the country, surprising many.
The Philippines has an extensive collection of stories rooted in folklore, specifically aswang myth, answering what kids love hearing about - gruesome terrors that have kept generations of Pinoys on the edge of their seats. Pasaporte sought to explore this in his novel, utilizing his creativity and knowledge to share stories that have long been ingrained in Pinoy culture.
With his extensive podcast production and marketing background, Pasaporte has combined diverse skillsets to produce a book that aims to introduce today's generation to the rich tapestry of Philippine folklore and create a world for imaginative readers.
Manila International Book Fair 2023
Don't miss Andrew Jalbuena Pasaporte's book signing event on September 17 at 11:30 a.m. (Sunday) at the Manila International Book Fair 2023 - SMX Convention Center Manila in Pasay City. Meet the author and learn more about his inspiration for writing Gimo Jr. and the Aswang Clan.
It's about time that we immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of Philippine folklore and take this fantastic opportunity to understand more of our cultural identity through stories of aswangs. See you on September 17 and enjoy free merchandise giveaways.