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Thursday, February 3, 2022

STI to continue 2nd semester with remote learning and online OJT

This health crisis has created the biggest disruption of the educational system in the history of humankind affecting students and learners globally. 

Despite this unfortunate situation, we are happy to share how schools are able to adjust and still maintain high-quality education despite the challenges posed by the health crisis. 

STI to continue 2nd semester with remote learning and online OJT

To ensure students get high-quality instruction in the new normal, STI will continue with its ONline and ONsite Education at STI (ONE STI) Learning Model for its second semester, which will officially begin on February 14, 2022. 

Launched during School Year 2020-2021, the ONE STI Learning Model aims to achieve the desired learning outcome for students by combining online tools with limited onsite or on-campus hands-on training. 

STI will also offer online on-the-job training (OJT) in the upcoming semester, an alternative medium for trainees to develop soft skills and apply what they have learned in school without the need to be physically present at the job location. Trainee-employer engagement will be done via a range of digital resources such as email, chat platforms, videocon, and webinars, among others. 

Following the mandate of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) on OJTs during the pandemic, the virtual OJT provides students with work-related opportunities without compromising their health and safety.  

Positive feedback from partners 

STI's 3rd year BA in Communication and Bachelor of Multimedia Arts students were the first batch who underwent the virtual OJT when it piloted last summer of SY 2020-2021.

The communications and multimedia companies that partnered with STI only had positive feedback about the program. Pioneer trainees of the online OJT were able to get onboard in these companies with the help of their OJT advisers.

"Although the threat of COVID-19 is still out there, the online OJT allowed me to gain skills — such as creativity, teamwork, and adaptability — that would empower me to handle various real-world situations and to succeed in my future career," Jessa Jaos of STI College – Cubao, a former online OJT trainee said.

Gwyneth Nuez of STI College Ortigas-Cainta, another former OJT online trainee, expressed gratitude to STI because it found a way for students to undergo valuable job training amidst the restrictions brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Because of the virtual OJT, I can say that my education at STI is complete,” she said.


As you can see, making real-life education is possible and now more accessible. 

Students and transferees looking to enroll at STI for the second semester can receive a holistic and fulfilling learning experience at a reduced cost by applying for the institution’s financial aid programs such as the Pag-IBIG-STI Educational Assistance Program and GSIS-STI Educational Assistance Program. 

STI will also extend its internet connectivity assistance to second semester enrollees to provide them with up to 34GB of monthly data allocation for free that they can use to access learning materials and attend online classes.  

Students who enroll at STI now can take advantage of the institution's quality education under the ONE STI Learning Model. Through it, they have an opportunity to move up in their academics, finish their degree, and eventually embark on their future career despite the challenges of the new normal.   


If you are interested to enroll at STI, just register at

Saturday, January 29, 2022

How Online Games Help Us Become Creative

Growing up in an electronics-filled, massively online and socially-networked world changed the way we think, act and learn. 

Moreover, the pandemic has greatly affected our lifestyle. I remember in the past if you feel stuck, if you are experiencing writer's block, or if you need to get your creative juices running, it is suggested that you spend time outdoors and take time to commune with nature. Nowadays, due to quarantine restrictions and the threat of the virus, you have to think twice first before going out of your house. 

Luckily, there are many other ways to stay creative. 

According to a study conducted by the Michigan State University, both boys and girls who play video games tend to be more creative, regardless of the type of video game. They found that the more that the kids played video games, the more creative they were in tasks such as drawing pictures and writing stories. 

How is it possible? It is believed that playing games help foster creative thinking because it lowers the barriers of established norms and routines by allowing new rules and realities. 

While playing, the players adapt to the new role that they have as the reality around them changes. This allows them to "think outside the box" in order the solve the challenge, mission, or objective of the game.  

The games can be as simple as it is and do not have to be complicated. There is a game called, Open Restaurant available at that had helped me come up with a creative way to optimize our processes in the restaurant. By playing the game, I was able to figure out how to properly manage time and prioritize tasks. The game was very user-friendly even kids or "non-gamers" will have no problem playing it. 

Another important highlight of online gaming is its entertainment value that which actually affects our creativity. 

A study published in the scientific journal, Nature in 1998 showed that video games raise the level of dopamine in the brain by about 100 percent. If you are not familiar, Dopamine is our achievement hormone. It spikes when we are happy or we experience something pleasant. 

Experts say that the higher the dopamine levels in your body, the higher is our alertness, focus, creativity, long-term memory, and concentration. 

Should we allow our kids to play online games? Just like anything in this world, moderation is the key. There is a thin line between the benefits of gaming and game addiction. We must teach our children how to maintain healthy gameplay and allow them to harness its potential. We have to encourage them to log off to do other things as well in order to live a balanced lifestyle.